
Anja's Artblog

Wednesday 8 January 2014

New Year's Dreams

Of course my siblings and me again created a 2014 calendar for our mum as a Christmas present. :)
Maybe you still remember last year's series I created for that purpose which I called 'New Year's Wishes'.
This year's series is called 'New Year's Dreams'. :)
I hope you like it!



I also drew another portrait of my lovely niece and godchild for her second birthday. :)
I'll draw one every year to document her development (and my own for that matter...)


  1. Die Bilder sind so hübsch... <3
    Mir gefallen die Fische mal wieder so gut, die stechen so gut hervor :)
    Und die Zeichnung von deiner Nichte ist so süß! <3

  2. Sehr schöne Farbkombinationen und die Motive erst! :)
    Mir gefällt besonders das vierte von oben (Dame mit weißen Haaren).

    Sehr schöne Bilder.
